What is a Rotary Club?
The purpose of a local Rotary club is to connect people who then work together to solve community problems, provide humanitarian aid, and promote goodwill and peace.
Sounds like a club we all need right now. Interested?
To learn more, contact Rotarian Amanda Villanova at avillanova@navigantcu.org. We often meet at Twin Oaks restaurant on Wednesdays at 12 pm, or on occasion via a zoom call. Sometimes we mix it up and meet at night!
Reach out to us at CranstonRotaryClub@gmail.com.
Our mailing address is PO Box 3723 Cranston RI 02910.
Interested in bringing your truck or cool vehicle to our annual Halloween Touch-a-Truck?
Send us an email to CranstonRotaryClub@gmail.com with your information!
President Elect
Club Service
Rotary Foundation
Chair - Fundraising
Director International Service
Immediate Past President
Service Projects